The romantic wedding dresses reminiscent of times past and have a classic and elegant line. They usually have a straight line with a tail. This line particularly flatter the female body and highlights the parts you need. It's great to have transparent lace in the back or on your shoulders and your skin looks.
You also have lace or embroidered corset on top and a fluffy skirt with tulle. Another kind of romantic wedding dress could have a simple lace top with a simple skirt or full sleeves shoulders and an additional sleeve below the elbow.
The romantic wedding dresses are particularly suited to weddings in estates, islands, outdoors where you want to lure everyone into a fairytale setting where the heart of beauty be you. 'Take' in a world full of idyllic images, photos and pictures love.
For romantic bridal hairstyles we recommend impressive with graceful curls with hair half down and half up. See the following hairstyle that we prepared for you. In this hairstyle we use two hair wefts for richer result in curls. A detail that makes the difference is the placement of the crown at the back (see video at end of article)