All types of Hair extensions are hair that are not "fed," and not hydrated from a root (as fed, and hydrated our normal hair from our roots and our organization).
This means that all type of Hair extensions are more sensitive than our normal hair and require more attention to all the technical work (eg dye hair etc) but also in the daily care (bathing, combing, etc.)
The experience in our stores has shown that there are many hair salons that do not have experience and technical skills on how to “behave” at hair extensions creating major problems of ignorance.
Here is a true story from our customers who “gets crazy” with her hairdresser.
"The hairdresser told me that the extensions cannot be dyed"
Our customer who has purchased clip in hair extensions from us through our e-shop and one day went to the hairdresser in her town to dye it.
The hairdresser tried five failed times to dye the hair weft and finally told to the customer that the hair extensions cannot be dyed because it is not human hair.
The customer communicates with us by phone and is upset about what is happening to her. We told her to send us the braid by courier or to come in one of our stores.
She came to our store and was surprised when she sees that we dye the extensions with success the first time.
The explanation is very simple: our hairdressers have received special training from our company, the dye hair extensions every day and it makes sense to have the necessary knowledge and experience to achieve the perfect result.
"The hairdresser told me that the hair extensions cannot be combed"
Our customer who placed hair extensions strands our store went to her hairdresser for a hairstyling.
The hairdresser couldnʼt succeed the specific hairstyle because hair "flared" - "frizz" and tells the customer that this happens because the hair extensions is not human hair.
The customer comes to our store and was disappointed because the next day is her engagement!
We style the hair of having success on the first try !
The explanation is very simple: the hairdresser used cheap and unfit quality styling products and instead to straighten the hair to "flare up".
Generally speaking, we strongly recommend visiting our stores for any technical issue regarding Hair extensions